Ever feel like the universe is trying to tell you something? Lately, I’ve been getting a loud and clear message: baby steps matter.
Between running my 15-Minute Side Hustler Challenge this week and dealing with some serious upper-body tension (helloooo stress!), I’ve been thinking a lot about how we approach our goals.
I’m a few weeks into physical therapy and needed something small and sustainable to build strength between sessions. The thought of a full workout felt overwhelming (and honestly, blech).
Sidenote: I don’t consider my weekly dance class a workout - it’s 60 minutes of pure joy that just happens to have physical benefits. 😜
So, last Monday, I tried something different: just 5 minutes of HIIT (high-intensity interval training) right after making my bed.
And guess what? I haven’t missed a weekday since!
Even on low-motivation days, I tell myself:
“Jess, just 5 minutes. You can do 5 minutes.”
By linking it to something I was already doing, It’s become automatic - less about willpower, and more about habit.
And it got me thinking about side hustles.
We often overcomplicate things, waiting for the perfect 2-hour deep work session or trying to do everything at once. But in reality? Tiny, consistent steps move us forward.
So instead of staring at a mountain of to-dos, ask yourself:
👉🏾 What’s one small step that feels doable right now?
It could be:
Watching 15 minutes of that training you bought during that December bundle
Writing one paragraph of your newsletter
Updating your Instagram bio
Sending an email to that one client you’ve been thinking about
Simply opening your notebook to brainstorm
Whatever it is, that step counts. It matters. And it’s moving you forward, even if it feels small.
💭 Now your turn: What’s one small, doable step for your side hustle today? Or what 5-minute habit could you stack onto something you already do?
On to the picks! ✨
Note: This email may contain affiliate links. If you click through my link and make a purchase, I may receive “thank you money” at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products that I use and love.
#picks 😍
📖 Something to read:
Lately, little nuggets from Atomic Habits by James Clear have been showing up in my Readwise emails lately — especially his concept of getting 1% better each day. Perfect for #sidehustlelife, where we’re working with limited time.
😋 Something that brings joy:
I’ve found two new loves for my morning routine:
1️⃣ Strawberry Vanilla Chex — OMG, so good. I really hope they stick around.
2️⃣ Vanilla Bean Coffeemate creamer — I used to be a French Vanilla or Hazelnut girl, but this? Next level.
Do you have a current fave cereal or coffee creamer? Hit reply and tell me!
🌟 Something to try:
Time-boxing with a twist—instead of scheduling an hour-long block, find just one 15-minute pocket in your day and use it for your side hustle. Feels way less overwhelming!
😍. Last issue’s top pick: MOFT laptop stand
🌱 Side Hustle Idea Kickstart: Feeling stuck on what business to start? This mi-course gives you six 5-minute lessons to help you find a side hustle that honors your time and brings you joy. Plus, you get personalized feedback from me as you go!
#supporters ☕️
Thank you, Kelly, Melinda, Tawanna, Gia, Lori, Ayana, Krista, Jessica, Annetta, Constance, Tunde, Jen, Michelle, Emile, Bex, Kim, Angela G., Lauren B., Chelsea, Amy, Ricky, Kirsten, Vin, Julie, Nicole, Hmza, Greg, Kristin, Kirstyn, Jess, Cheryl, Krysta, Adrena, Vidya, Kristyn, Danielle, Keyn, Terry, Vanessa, Meredith, Lauren, Meg, Maria J., Chivon, Kim, Luciano, Colie, Chasity, Laurie, Latienda, Collette, Anne, Kristen, Liz, Katherine, Monale, Betsy, Melissa, Lindsay, Jennifer, Kayla, Madison, Rae, Stephanie, Christine R., Christine M., Frances, Hannah, Chris, Brandy, Mea, Kristian, Maria K., Avery, Adam, Barbara, Shenee, Desiree, Lisa, Kandice, L’Oreal, and LaVerne for being #jesspicks supporters!! ❤️
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