“all the women. in me. are tired.” 😴 ~Nayyirah Waheed
Shout out to Betsy Ogden and Monale Alemika for buying me coffees this past week! ☕️
Betsy is the creator of Fitpicks - a curated newsletter that features health and fitness resources for women over 50.
Monale writes about careers, digital wellness and doing good work. When she's not doing that, she's also a marketing pro and tech trainer!
Since last week I have continued to feel a bit "off". With everything going on in the world and my injury recovery, I feel like this happens ever so often. Where I almost feel like there's this perpetual dark cloud hovering. And my tendency when I feel that way is to crawl into my shell. I'm like a turtle in that way.
On Tuesday, I attended my gurl Kandice's self-care retreat. I almost didn't go because of how I was feeling, but it was one of those things where if you are tired and busy and sad, you need it more than ever. So I logged in and sent her a message asking her if it was OK to keep my video off, to which she said "absolutely". And it felt good to be really present for that hour. It was an incredible experience. Kandice reminded us that we don't have to only practice self-care when we are feeling bad or run down. We can even practice it when we are feeling good. And I forget that sometimes.
And she had us reflect on this poem (in #lifevibes) as part of the retreat, and it spoke to me so much. A reminder to slow down and take my time. To take (more) breaks. To rest. And to remember that ultimately the work will get done. But we need to take care ourselves along the way.
Since then I've been adding more breaks to my day. And taking 17 minute naps when I need to. One thing I've also realized is that I may need a little more structure to my days, so I am looking into ways I can do that. My &yet boss Sarah has been using the Discipline method to structure her days and I'm thinking through how I might be able to use it. What I love about this "themed days" approach is that there is a built-in guarantee that everything will be covered eventually. So for example, if I have a collaboration or connection task to do, I don't have to do it right then and there, I can schedule it during my next collaboration day.
Just these few baby steps are helping. I'm still feeling a bit withdrawn and in my shell, but that may be needed right now. This month, in particular, has a lot of emotions tied up in it. But the darkness is slowly starting to fade.
On to the picks!
Note: This email may contain affiliate links. If you click through my link and make a purchase that means I may receive "thank you money" at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products that I use and love.
#loves 😍
🎧 Listening: Next Level 7. Copyblogger's Brian Clark created this free 6-day audio course about how he's creating 7-figure businesses. He covers how to build an audience and why creating content is a waste of time. Curation is where it's at. Which is right up my alley.
📚 Reading: Zone of Genius. I have read about zones of genius in The Big Leap (another good read) before but this one is pretty good too. I also like how she talks about purpose and how there is an emotional connection there.
📺 Watching: Discovery of Witches. Seriously, I'm geeking out on all the Sundance shows. This one was pretty good. Witches, vampires, demons. A mysterious book that everyone is after. Romance. I think I may also read the trilogy that the series is based on.
🚰 Tool: Recess. I never thought I'd jump on the CBD water bandwagon. But Recess has changed my mind. Besides having really great marketing and branding, it tastes pretty good (my fave flavor is Peach Ginger). And it's a bit woo for sure, but it really does keep me calm and help me focus. It's a nice "beat the afternoon slump" sidekick for me. Get 15% off your order with my link.

My Most Productive Days Are a Result of These Five Choices — fortheinterested.com
I love that two of Josh's choices are deciding what to do first and last in your day. For what to do first, pick your biggest priority and spend the first 30-60 minutes on that.
Similarly to that, use the last 30-60 minutes of your day to review what you weren't able to get done. Pick one thing and work on that.
Tip: Saya Hillman
Feeling Depressed in 2020? It’s Not Just You 😔 — chrisguillebeau.com
"If you’re struggling this year, however, know that you are part of a very large club. None of us want to be in this club, but here we are."
This was really helpful to read this last week in particular. With the constant bad news and just everything, people are feeling heavy. So if you have been feeling this way too, know that you are not alone.
😍 Last issue’s top pick was: A 2-Minute Morning Routine that Guarantees a Great Start to the Day
#supporters ☕️
Thank you Monale, Betsy, Melissa, Lindsay, Jennifer, Kayla, Madison, Rae, Stephanie, Christine R., Christine M., Frances, Hannah, Chris, Brandy, Mea, Kristian, Maria, Avery, Adam, Monale, Barbara, Shenee, Desiree, Lisa, Kandice, L'Oreal, and LaVerne for being #jesspicks supporters!! ❤️
Want to help support this newsletter? Buy me a coffee.