“Be still sometimes. Let it all fall sometimes.” ⏸️ ~Rose Cook
On navigating the hard days... (#314)
Tuesday started like any other day, and within a few hours, it went completely off the rails. Luckily I had taken the day off from my job. But I planned to make it a business-focused day as I had a Side Hustle Day scheduled with a client.
I had a caregiving crisis right when our day was supposed to start. Honestly, the past couple of weeks had already been a challenging caregiving time. This felt like one more thing on a pile of things that was already overwhelming.
I explained the situation to my client, who was super gracious and cool with rescheduling, which was a huge relief and a reason to smile on an otherwise stressful day. Once grandma felt better, and things calmed some, I had no motivation/energy to work on any remaining items on my to-do list for that day.
After trying (and failing) to focus on even the most straightforward task, I repeated to myself a mantra that I have on a post-it note on my wall:
“Tomorrow is another day.”
It was a wonderful reminder to have grace with myself. And to honor the limited capacity I had at that moment.
The next day I was able to shuffle some things around and figure out what I could realistically get done this week (and month) with everything going on, along with figuring out what self-care things I could prioritize to help me recharge.
The juggling we do as side hustlers often comes with demanding days and unexpected curveballs calling us to pivot, re-prioritize, rest, or, as Rose Cook reminds us in her poem below, to “let it all fall sometimes.”
This is a poem for someone
who is juggling her life.
Be still sometimes.
Be still sometimes.It needs repeating
over and over
to catch her attention
over and over,
as someone who is juggling her life
finds it difficult to hear.Be still sometimes.
Be still sometimes.
Let it all fall sometimes.
I hope you know that you can take a break and let the balls drop if you need to. Tomorrow is another day. 💖
On to the picks!
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#loves 😍
📺. Watching: Poker Face. Let me be honest; when I first heard about a show called Poker Face, I immediately thought of Lady Gaga. 😂 But then I read an article comparing it to old-school mysteries, a la Columbo, which I loved watching growing up, and it gave me enough reason to check it out. I LOVE IT. The main character, Charlie, has a superpower. She can tell when anyone is lying and uses that to her advantage to solve cases. Each episode starts with a murder, so you know who did it and why. The rest of the episode is spent with Charlie putting the pieces together to solve the crime. It’s a fun time.
🤗. Need a virtual hug? It’s the nicest place on the Internet.
5 Tools Creators Can Use To Show Up Even On The Hard Days
It can be hard to show up consistently (even for me). And some days, it just makes sense to take a break.
There are hard days, days where I have no energy, days when life (& work) gets in the way. So I assembled a few tricks to help me show up even on the shitty days.
I like Ev’s suggestion of preparing for those inevitable hard days. I especially love her idea of “working overtime on your good days.” (I’m starting to pay a lot more attention to my energy and trying to get as much done as possible when my energy is high.
Is there an idea here you can use on your hard days?

😍. Last issue’s top pick was: February 2023 Happiness Calendar
💬. Side Hustle Convo: Jenn Vyenielo: Resources and Advice on Starting Your Product-Based Side Hustle
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Thanks for the reminder, Jess! 🤍 I’m always struggling with overestimating what I can get done in one day as well.