“Oh how beautifully you are learning to live a little less afraid.” 🤗~Morgan Harper Nichols
I don’t always agree with everything that James Clear says. This is one of them. My gurl Shenee wrote an excellent response to that. But he does have some gems at times, and in his most recent newsletter, he shared this quote:
“Someone else living a good life does not prevent you from living a good life. There are many ways to win and plenty of space.”
And it struck me that that is the message that you hopefully get from me if you’re in my world. Businesses, side hustles, newsletters, and passion projects come in all shapes and sizes.
There is a lot of pressure out there to entrepreneur a certain way. And if you take nothing else from me this year. Please understand that you get to define how you entrepreneur, whether on the side of a day job or full-time. Whether you spend 30 minutes a day on your business or 10 hours a week. Whether you do coaching, create products, sell stickers, or you’re a speaker. You get to choose. And you get to build that into your life.
By sharing my thinking and the behind-the-scenes of my life while I juggle everything, I hope that gives you the inspiration to start or keep going. 💖
I hope this newsletter and my offers are gentle nudges to build the best life you possibly can today because that is what I want for you. Now and as we get ready to welcome another new year.
As we all start winding down for the year and doing our versions of years in review, make sure to celebrate yourself. Celebrate those baby steps. Celebrate those moments of clarity. And celebrate those pauses.
This entrepreneur thing is not easy. But we do it because we want to make a difference. And the truth is, we all can. In whatever way works for us. 💪🏾
I hope you have a wonderful rest of the year. #jesspicks will be back in 2022.👋🏾
On to the picks!
P.S. Lizzy’s Christmas Party, which I talked about in last week's issue, is now over, but so far, 400 folks have joined my Tips for Starting a Curated Newsletter course. And about half of those folks signed up to receive #jesspicks. So well worth the participation indeed.
Note: This email may contain affiliate links. If you click through my link and make a purchase, that means I may receive “thank you money” at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products that I use and love.
eCommerce businesses are seeing acquisition costs skyrocket with the new Apple updates.
But what if there was a better way to grow your sales utilizing your best asset—your customers.
Introducing Groupshop.
Groupshop is a must-have app for growing your Shopify store without ads.
Signup for their waitlist here.
#loves 😍
📺. Watching: Stitchers. This is an old show for sure. But this woman Kirsten, who is unable to perceive time, happens to have the perfect skill to help this secret government organization. What the org does? It “stitches” into the memories of dead people to solve their murders. Dark? Yup, but I remember watching the first season a while back and never actually finished the series.
📚. Reading: If I had my life to live over again. This poem is fantastic. And a very on-time reminder as we start thinking about plans for a new year.
🧳. Tool: My Resources Page. Curious about what I use to manage all the business and life things? It’s on this page. Anything else I should add?

How To Write A Newsletter: 11 Secrets Of A Successful Newsletter — joshspector.com
Josh Spector does it again with one of his tips roundups. This one is focused on newsletters and includes:
How long a newsletter should be
How to write a newsletter summary (very useful for us curators)
How to format your newsletter
Newsletter writing examples
Ten Things to Upgrade Your Life in 2022 — medium.com
Great lessons to take into the new year.
“If you’re still here and showing up each day after 2020 and 2021, you’re unstoppable. You survived one of the most difficult times in human history, so you’re stronger, not weaker.”
I love Tim’s suggestion to export Kindle highlights and collect sentences in 2022. It’s one of the reasons I use Readwise. Also, to find an excuse to exercise. Going to dance once a week is so good for my overall mental health, which has made a big difference in making it a priority.
😍. Last issue’s top pick was: Lizzy's Christmas Party
☎️ Need help starting your side hustle or newsletter? Let’s dream and scheme.
👀. Have something you’d like to promote to #jesspicks 1300+ readers? You can buy an ad or sponsorship here.
#classifieds 🗞
Thinking of launching a podcast next year? Sign up for this FREE Launch Your Podcast in 2022! workshop from feminist podcast studio Softer Sounds.
⚡️Hot off the press! 💖 Befriend and Tend Yourself, a 30 day workbook, planner, and guide to help you build a nourishing 🌱 self-care plan tailored to YOU! Available on Amazon for $13.95.
#supporters ☕️
Thank you Angela G., Lauren B., Chelsea, Amy, Ricky, Kirsten, Vin, Julie, Nicole, Humza, Greg, Kristin, Kirstyn, Jess, Cheryl, Krysta, Adrena, Vidya, Kristyn, Danielle, Keryn, Terry, Vanessa, Meredith, Lauren, Meg, Maria J., Chivon, Kim, Luciano, Colie, Chasity, Laurie, Latienda, Collette, Anne, Kristen, Liz, Katherine, Monale, Betsy, Melissa, Lindsay, Jennifer, Kayla, Madison, Rae, Stephanie, Christine R., Christine M., Frances, Hannah, Chris, Brandy, Mea, Kristian, Maria K. Avery, Adam, Barbara, Shenee, Desiree, Lisa, Kandice, L’Oreal, and LaVerne for being #jesspicks supporters!! ❤️
Want to help support this newsletter? Buy me a coffee.