"Risk being seen in all of your glory." ~Jim Carrey
If I had to pick a word to describe this week, it would probably be discombobulated. While I have been pretty productive this week on a few fronts, I've just felt a bit off.
Not sure if it was trying to get a lot done in the short week, or just the COVID/world/everything of it all. Or maybe it's because I had the strangest dream the other night that shook me up. Or the fact that last September was such a mix of good and bad and those memories are coming 'round again. Or maybe it's all the above. That's made it really hard to write this part of the newsletter this week.
But I guess what I can share is that sometimes life is not all sunshine and rainbows and we are all dealing with a lot right now. In many different ways. But we're still showing up. We're still doing the work. We're still doing what we can do to make the impact that we can.
So as much as you can, continue to do that. Absolutely take a pause and get some deep rest. But then, continue to show up. Show up messy. Show up imperfect. Show up discombobulated.
Because there is someone who needs your presence. Even if it's your future self. 💖
On to the picks!
Note: This email may contain affiliate links. If you click through my link and make a purchase that means I may receive "thank you money" at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products that I use and love.
#loves 😍
📚 Reading: It's about Damn Time: How to Turn Being Underestimated Into Your Greatest Advantage. This one has been on my list for awhile. I've been following Arlan Hamilton, the founder of Backstage Capital on Twitter for a few years. And I love how she focuses her fund on supporting underrepresented founders. This book is all about finding your voice and knowing that "you deserve to walk through the door of any room you want to be in."
📺 Watching: Sanctuary. Apparently I've been sleeping on Sundance shows. Found this one accidentally while browsing on Apple TV and I am hooked. A sister goes to visit her twin in a mental hospital. And then said twin steals her identity and leaves the un-mental(?) twin in the hospital and she is trying to convince everyone that she is not her sister. Good times.
📖 Tool: Readwise. This tool is a reader's companion. You can sync up all your things (books, Tweets, quotes you've highlighted on Medium) and it sends you a daily digest of about 5 posts. It's a great way to get reminded of things you've loved before. Get an extra free month with my link.

Engaging Social Media Posts: 10 Tips for Writing Copy — www.marketingprofs.com
I've been working on reflecting on accomplishments for the first two quarters for the year for my job. And it includes things I'm proud of (like this newsletter yay!) but also things I want to improve. One of the things was getting better at writing social media posts. The universe is listening...!
A 2-Minute Morning Routine that Guarantees a Great Start to the Day — www.marcandangel.com
An oldie but goodie. I found this post in the archives this past week and started using it to help me write my mornings pages. The three prompts are:
I will let go of...
I am grateful for...
I will focus on...
Unthinkable Life Lessons from Jim Carrey That Will Make You Feel Superhuman — medium.com
"Being yourself is a huge risk.
And the reward is worth more than ten million dollars."
Self-Care Matters: A Virtual Retreat Experience (free) - My gurl Kandice is hosting a free micro-retreat on 9/15 that she is planning to offer organizations in the future and could use our help. We get an our of retreat and then we spend 15 mins providing feedback.
Self-Care Summit (free) - 6-day online event that starts on 9/16 all about filling your self-care toolbox. My Lighthouse Squadmate Kristen Ivey is doing a talk as part of it too!
Share What You Know Summit ($29 through 9/13): a 3-day online summit starting on 9/22 for us creators and business owners. You'll learn how create online course and coaching content, grow your email list and build your site.
Baked: The Musical (donations to support Givewell charity): My dance dad, Ryan Tang, is in this awesome musical which is having a virtual workshop on 9/19. "When she doesn’t receive the scholarship that would send her to her dream school, habitual overachiever Jane Huang, with the help of her best friend, joins forces with the class degenerate to build the greatest drug empire ever run by high schoolers." 👨🍳
😍 Last issue’s top pick was: MY NEW SITE. 🥳. And Podcasts for Side Hustlers.
#supporters ☕️
Thank you Melissa, Lindsay, Jennifer, Kayla, Madison, Rae, Stephanie, Christine R., Christine M., Frances, Hannah, Chris, Brandy, Mea, Kristian, Maria, Avery, Adam, Monale, Barbara, Shenee, Desiree, Lisa, Kandice, L'Oreal, and LaVerne for being #jesspicks supporters!! ❤️
Want to help support this newsletter? Buy me a coffee.