"When you focus on the good, the good gets better." 🥰 ~Abraham Hicks (#jesspicks 200)
Let me just say this week did not start out well. #caregiverlife can be super demanding at times and I was feeling so tired and sad and all out of sorts. 😔 I almost didn't attend a mastermind call because of it, but I'm so glad I did. I shared how I was feeling, which was hard, and the group was so supportive. Others were also dealing with stuff and there were virtual hugs all around. And our fearless leader, Saya, told us that on days like this, we are welcome to come and keep our cameras off and just let her know. And what a relief. To have spaces like those where you can show up, be vulnerable, and share what's true in your world right now.
And I think those spaces are soo important. I hope you feel like this is that type of space for you. Whether you read this newsletter every week or every sometimes, I hope you know that this space is for you however you're feeling, whatever you're going through. And I hope there is something here that makes you feel better. 💖
Because you make me feel better. And because of you, this week I hit my goal for the year of reaching 500 subscribers!! 🎉
AND ALSO because of you, today you are reading the 200th issue of #jesspicks. 200! 🥳🥳🥳 It's incredible that I have been writing this newsletter for 4 whole years. I've improved and tweaked and shared so many things during that time. So I wanted to celebrate by sharing a few things I've learned along the way:
Tip 1: Find one thing you can do....consistently.
#jesspicks started because I had changed jobs a few times and because of that, I hadn't done a lot with my side hustle. And I started to think about something I could do for my audience consistently that would help them and fit within my schedule (which at the time was only a few hours a week).
I love reading articles and sharing resources and so I decided to put all that together into a weekly newsletter. The goal was to share the best things I read and learned about that week and share it with my audience. And that became my one thing. So that if I got that done every week, I felt like I took care of my people. And anything over and above that was a bonus. But if that was all I got done every week, I was a success. 🙌🏾
Since then, I've gotten clearer on what to share, who I want to help and how I can best serve them. As Khe mentioned, “good enough over and over again makes you great.”
I am recognized as a resource in the side hustle space and have gotten podcast and speaking opportunities because of it.
If you are struggling to get started or even feeling a bit overwhelmed, see if you can find one thing you can do consistently for your audience. That can help you build momentum for everything else.
Tip 2: Find (or discover) your medium
While the topics that I curate and organize has changed a bit and gotten more focused, I’ve always included a personal note at the beginning. And it has always been so much easier for me to write than a blog post. Which has been something that has bugged me for years.
I didn’t fully get it until I read this quote in Gather the People:
"I prefer the more intimate feel of sending an email to the more “public” feel of writing a blog post. Every artist has their preferred mediums; email is one of mine.”
When I read it, I had an epiphany! Email is my preferred medium because it feels more like a 1 on 1 conversation. That was a gamechanger for me and made me lean into it even more.
Find your medium. Or take time to discover it. Whether that's a newsletter, blog, video, audio. Find something that feels right for you and your art.
Tip 3: Find your squad
I am a big fan of surrounding yourself with others who are doing the thing you want to do. I encourage side hustlers to find other side hustlers to chat with, because we get what you are going through in ways full time entrepreneurs don't quite understand.
The same goes for newsletters. I have gotten so much advice, support, and examples from being part of communities like the Newsletter Creators group, the Unemployable Initiative, and the RadReads Slack community. My newsletter has seen so much growth since joining those.
Find others who are doing things you want to do and join them or create your own community.
On to the picks!
P.S. I couldn't have done any of this without you. So thank you. Thank you for being here. Thank you for reading, replying and spreading the word. 👊🏾
P.P.S. I have also been working on a new coat of paint for my website. (Yep I am making this a "good things happen in threes" kinda week!) And I'd love for you to be the first to see it. Check it out here!
Note: This email may contain affiliate links. If you click through my link and make a purchase that means I may receive "thank you money" at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products that I use and love.
#loves 😍
🎧 Listening: The Ten Things Saving My Life Right Now. While reading Lazy Genius, I also subscribed to Kendra's podcast and I am loving it too. My faves from her list: 17 minute naps (need to try this!), Double Stuff Oreos (they are sooo good) and whiskey (I like mine with a mixer though, like apple juice).
📺 Watching: Locke & Key. I started watching this show eons ago (and by eons I mean February 😆) but only watched maybe two episodes. I picked it back up again and finished it in the last week. So good. Premise: Family loses their dad and their mom moves them to their dad's childhood homes. There are magical keys. And there is a dark force who wants them. But of course, right? Can't wait for season two!
🏬 Tool: Newsletter Virtual Mall. I've been fangirling on everything Andrew Kamphey does lately. I'm a big fan of his Hypeletter blog and he has great newsletter advice. But this is pretty incredible. It is a virtual mall full of over 50 newsletters you can check out and subscribe to. And you might see a familiar, um, store on Level 5. 😉

The 1 Question That Helps Me Have More Meaningful Days — advice.shinetext.com
"Start each day by asking yourself: What can I do that will feel meaningful today?"
The Newsletter Tips Collection — joshspector.com
Josh Spector just put every article he's written, tip he's shared, and everything under the sun he's done on newsletters in one place. He's unofficially one of my newsletter mentors!
Letter of Recommendation: Don’t Turn Your Pandemic Hobby Into a Side Hustle — www.self.com
Don't get me wrong, side hustles can be great. And I love mine. But not everything we do needs to be turned into a side hustle. Sometimes it's good to have hobbies we do just for the love of it. Because oftentimes when we try to monetize it, it'll take all of the fun out of the process and experience for us.
😍 Last issue’s top pick was: Ross Simmons tweet about distribution channels
#supporters ☕️
Thank you Lindsay, Jennifer, Kayla, Madison, Rae, Stephanie, Christine R., Christine M., Frances, Hannah, Chris, Brandy, Mea, Kristian, Maria, Avery, Adam, Monale, Barbara, Shenee, Desiree, Lisa, Kandice, L'Oreal, and LaVerne for being #jesspicks supporters!! ❤️
Want to help support this newsletter? Buy me a coffee.