My week was interesting. I played Cards Against Humanity for the first time. Have you ever played it? It's an experience for sure - especially when you're playing it with your mom and siblings. It's not called "a game for horrible people" for no reason. But it is hilarious time for sure. :)I had the opportunity to speak to a group of about 30 high school girls as part of a Girls in the Game and DeVry Education Group partnership. I shared my story as a woman in tech and my journey so far. It always makes me feel good to share my experiences in hopes that it inspires someone else. And exposing young folks to people that look like them continues to be very powerful.And speaking of powerful, Hillary Clinton is now officially the Democratic nominee for president. No matter what side of the fence you sit on (even if it's #GirlIGuessImWithHer) history was made this week and now a little girl knows that she can be president. What Hillary has done for women this week, President Obama did for the black community 8 years ago. Seeing people who have come very far, through challenges and struggles, who started out like you did is an inspiration to us all. Because it lets us know that we can be successful and do awesome things too. Keep doing your thing and while you're at it, try a new experience or two. It'll give you new perspectives and insights into yourself. And you never know who might be watching YOU to be inspired. xoxoOn to the picks for the week!
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#jesspicks - Issue #2
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My week was interesting. I played Cards Against Humanity for the first time. Have you ever played it? It's an experience for sure - especially when you're playing it with your mom and siblings. It's not called "a game for horrible people" for no reason. But it is hilarious time for sure. :)I had the opportunity to speak to a group of about 30 high school girls as part of a Girls in the Game and DeVry Education Group partnership. I shared my story as a woman in tech and my journey so far. It always makes me feel good to share my experiences in hopes that it inspires someone else. And exposing young folks to people that look like them continues to be very powerful.And speaking of powerful, Hillary Clinton is now officially the Democratic nominee for president. No matter what side of the fence you sit on (even if it's #GirlIGuessImWithHer) history was made this week and now a little girl knows that she can be president. What Hillary has done for women this week, President Obama did for the black community 8 years ago. Seeing people who have come very far, through challenges and struggles, who started out like you did is an inspiration to us all. Because it lets us know that we can be successful and do awesome things too. Keep doing your thing and while you're at it, try a new experience or two. It'll give you new perspectives and insights into yourself. And you never know who might be watching YOU to be inspired. xoxoOn to the picks for the week!