This week I've slowed down a bit - you know that saying about how when you're stressed the last thing you want to do is take a break but that's exactly what you should do? #selfcareI was able to fill up my cup this week by sharing my story and journey with students at i.c. stars at High Tea. Such an awesome group of future tech leaders who asked some great questions. The one that has stuck with me the most is "What is your legacy?" Because I think we all want to leave one behind. My answer at the time was that I want to inspire others and really show them more possibilities by sharing my story. But I also mentioned that it is one of those things that I'm still trying to figure out myself. It was an interesting question too because I had been chatting with my gurl L'Oreal about superpowers earlier in the week as well (and she helped me to see some I hadn't even full realized). 🙌🏾And then I was able to go to the WomeninTech Awards which is always an amazing time. There are so many incredible women starting businesses and leading this industry - the future is truly female. I was joined by a few of my graduates and they were able to feel the energy of being in a room full of powerful women as well and I hope that they walked away inspired and ready to change the world.Legacies. Superpowers. Inspiration.What are they for you? As we move towards the end of the year and start to think about our goals for next year, it's a good time to think about it and find a way to use all of those to your advantage in 2019.On to the picks for the week!P.S. Give yourself a hand and treat yourself.
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“You make your mark by being true to who you…
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This week I've slowed down a bit - you know that saying about how when you're stressed the last thing you want to do is take a break but that's exactly what you should do? #selfcareI was able to fill up my cup this week by sharing my story and journey with students at i.c. stars at High Tea. Such an awesome group of future tech leaders who asked some great questions. The one that has stuck with me the most is "What is your legacy?" Because I think we all want to leave one behind. My answer at the time was that I want to inspire others and really show them more possibilities by sharing my story. But I also mentioned that it is one of those things that I'm still trying to figure out myself. It was an interesting question too because I had been chatting with my gurl L'Oreal about superpowers earlier in the week as well (and she helped me to see some I hadn't even full realized). 🙌🏾And then I was able to go to the WomeninTech Awards which is always an amazing time. There are so many incredible women starting businesses and leading this industry - the future is truly female. I was joined by a few of my graduates and they were able to feel the energy of being in a room full of powerful women as well and I hope that they walked away inspired and ready to change the world.Legacies. Superpowers. Inspiration.What are they for you? As we move towards the end of the year and start to think about our goals for next year, it's a good time to think about it and find a way to use all of those to your advantage in 2019.On to the picks for the week!P.S. Give yourself a hand and treat yourself.