“Your progress matters, no matter your pace.” ⏳~Morgan Harper Nichols
Slow moves are still moves (#311)
I genuinely enjoyed the answers received so far to the #jesspicks reader survey. They are making me smile (and leaving me teary-eyed). Thank you so much. It’s a beautiful reminder that #jesspicks provides value to you, giving me some good vibes to keep going. If you haven’t had a chance to complete it yet, I would love your thoughts.
Is it me? Or is this month flying by faster than usual? It’s already the 21st, and I feel like I am running out of time to get things done this month.
Cue overwhelm monster.
Don’t get me wrong; it’s all good stuff. With the survey responses and having space to think in recent weeks, my brain is firing with ideas for things I want to do this year. But the problem is that I want to do them. All. Right. Now.
Entrepreneur trait, amirite?
I started feeling super heavy, so I had to take a beat and remind myself that:
I’m juggling a lot (constantly)
Because of that, I have limited time/energy
My pace doesn’t have to match everyone else’s
With that in mind, I’m giving myself permission to work on my 2022-year-in-review post in February. And letting myself be OK with taking my time getting a few other things off the ground.
And it keeps with my intention of lightness and ease for the year.
Slow moves are still moves.
So the rest of January will be focused on:
Getting ready for a debate on side hustles versus full-time entrepreneurship, which I think will be a lot of fun (will let you know when it goes live)
Helping a client launch her newsletter (it’s so cool to be a part of this journey!)
Reviewing the Adulting Kit (which I’ve heard so much about, and it sounds exactly like the digital sidekick I need to handle all my responsible, grownup stuffs with ease)
Figuring out logistics for launching… drum roll, please… a side hustler interview series. More on that very soon.
That’s still a lot to get done, sooo…. wish me luck? 😉
How is your January feeling?
Also!! I have turned on subscriber chat for #jesspicks (yay, Substack feature!!) and am excited to use it more soon. The idea is that I can post prompts, thoughts, and updates, and you can jump into the discussion.
If this sounds up your alley, please grab the Substack app or click the button below to get notified about new chats.
On to the picks!
Note: This email may contain affiliate links. If you click through my link and make a purchase, I may receive “thank you money” at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products that I use and love.
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#loves 😍
👩🏽🤝👨🏾. Community: Newsletter Blueprint. There is a new free newsletter community on the block, and there are already some great conversations about growing subscribers, landing pages, monetization, and more. It’s always fun to be in a group with others on a similar journey as you. Join us!
🎧. Listening: Made By Monday 🐸 On Content “Frog” Batching. As I am exploring ways to create more time to create and work with my assistant to promote my content, this was worth a re-listen this week. Jenny Blake does her content batching on Mondays of every week. This process helps her get her creative stuff done early so that she can focus on other things later in the week.
Love, love, love this list of intentions and things to remember from Tina Roth Eisenberg. Here are the ones that caught my eye:
Keep asking: “What if it was easy?”
Pay attention to when I am happy. Repeat those moments and dial them up to 11!
Dance with the universe.
I am exactly where I need to be.
Which ones resonate for you?

😍. Last issue’s top pick was: 27 Life-Changing Micro Habits That Require Only A Few Minutes
#classifieds 🗞
Tracking Bears through the Carpathian Mountains. Nestled amongst the shrivelled skins of autumn’s discarded leaves was a…click to read full essay.
Most of us have a website, but when did we last check out the analytics? Read the Guide to Website Analytics by Nudge to scratch up.
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#supporters ☕️
Thank you, Ayana, Krista, Jessica, Annetta, Constance, Tunde, Jen, Michelle, Emile, Bex, Kim, Angela G., Lauren B., Chelsea, Amy, Ricky, Kirsten, Vin, Julie, Nicole, Humza, Greg, Kristin, Kirstyn, Jess, Cheryl, Krysta, Adrena, Vidya, Kristyn, Danielle, Keryn, Terry, Vanessa, Meredith, Lauren, Meg, Maria J., Chivon, Kim, Luciano, Colie, Chasity, Laurie, Latienda, Collette, Anne, Kristen, Liz, Katherine, Monale, Betsy, Melissa, Lindsay, Jennifer, Kayla, Madison, Rae, Stephanie, Christine R., Christine M., Frances, Hannah, Chris, Brandy, Mea, Kristian, Maria K. Avery, Adam, Barbara, Shenee, Desiree, Lisa, Kandice, L’Oreal, and LaVerne for being #jesspicks supporters!! ❤️
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